That picture is the exact same one I had.
See, this is how it worked.
But since mine was broken, I couldn't upload anything to the internet. I beat myself up so hard and still do sometimes after what happened in this story I am about to tell you.
So, J had come over to hang out at we often did. When they came over we would often spend some of that time playing Ouija Board, and if you remember from one of my first posts me and J had met a spirit named Joseph Doust. Anyway, He had come back to visit us at times. Often when we would be talking to a spirit, they would quickly change and act odd. When they changed their attitude, we could tell that Joseph had come and taken over our conversation. He still does sometimes.

Okay.. here I have gone and tried to draw in MS Paint (Using a trackpad to draw) the set up that we were in.
Me and J were sitting in a dark room only lit by 2 candles. J was on the right, I was on the left and the Ouija Board in the middle. Candles on the sides and I had my camera sitting next to me.
(I know it isn't beautiful but you get the jist of what i am saying.)
So, I set up my camera. New batteries, it had a memory life of up to one hour. We were all set up and ready to go. I had to kind of sit the Flip Camera on a low chair and prop it with books to aim it at the board. In the camera's sight, you could only see the Board and the candles, but you could easily identify our hands from anything moving in the room.
I hit Record.
Moved around the board 3 times.
"Hello! Is anyone here that would like to talk with us?"
No movement.
"Is anyone in the room with us?"
"What is your name?"
No answer
"Do you want to talk with us?"
Very slowly Ouija- H-E-L-L-O
"What is your name?"
Ever so slowly Ouija- H-Y-L-E-Y
"Is that your name?"
Ouija- No
"Are you a girl?"
Ouija- Yes
"When did you die?"
Ouija- Yes
"Do you want to talk with us?"
Moving much faster now Ouija- Yes Yes Yes
It kept moving over the Yes, then circling back to it again.
"Whoah. Are you the same spirit?"
Ouija- No
"What is your name?"
Ouija- J-O-S-E-P-H
Me and J together "Joseph"
I am not quite sure whether to be happy or disturbed.
"Have you been Following us?"
"Who have you been following?"
"Both of us?"
"Then, where did we go earlier today?"
"Do you know?"
Ouija- Yes
"Then tell us"
"Oh. Yes we did. What did I get from the mall?"
J asks Joseph "What color underwear am I wearing?"
J says they need to go check. They get up and go to the bathroom. As they leave, a gust of cold air rushes past me and out the room with J. I feel strangely alone, yet like I am being watched.
J returns and says to Joseph "Nope."
J replies "Um, Yes. I am."
I ask Joseph "Did you happen to leave and follow J to the bathroom?"

J is surprised and gets a bit angry.
"So, you can watch us shower if you want?"
We hesitate...
"Do You?"
We are being called by some family so we needed to leave.
"Joseph, we need to go right now. You will probably be watching us anyway, wont you? Anyway. We are going to say good bye and talk to you later, okay?"
Joseph moves for use as we move around the board 3 times to say goodbye.
We leave and I check the video. Nothing on camera at all. Nothing.
I little while later, we set back up again and are in the same sitting position and I set up the camera once more. I hit the record button and we put our hands on the mover.
"Okay. Is anyone here with us?"
Ouija- Yes
"Hello. Can we ask your name?"
Ouija- No
"Okay. Do you have a name you want us to call you?"
Me and J mention haw cold it is and we can feel a breeze. My hands are ice cold too.
Ouija- A
"Okay. Hi A."
"When did you die?"
Ouija- H-A-H-A-H-A
"Are you laughing at us?"
"Do you want to talk with us?"
My hands begin to burn and I ask what is going on. J says they got a pinch on their back and arm.
"A, are you doing this?"
We were about to say goodbye when the mover began moving slowly...
Ouija- H-E-L-P-P
"Help? What?"
My hands were burning and stinging and J had already taken their hands off so we just needed to stop this. Enough.
"We are going to say goodbye now."
We quickly moved the mover three times, and I couldn't quite tell if it was us or the board moving it.
As we ran out of the room, J sat on the couch. I thought it was strange and J just wanted to go do something else. I told them to wait until we watched the video. We sat on the couch and I started the video...
"Okay. But I need a glass of water."
J got up and got some water. I watched.
The first 23 seconds were normal.. Then all of a sudden, a black flash of a figure.
My eyes widened and are fixed on the screen. I couldn't even say anything to J to come look. I began having chills. I continued to watch the last 4 minutes of the video, partly silent as I began letting out little whimpers. Nearing the end of the video, at 3Minutes and 36Seconds the same black figure floats across the camera, coming back the way it came in the beginning of the recording.
As the video ends, I begin to tear up and almost start to cry. I'm not sure why. Just the built up fright and shock? I Quickly make J watch the video and we both begin to get scared.
We take the video to my parents, to our friends who were over, to my brother. We needed to show people, just to make sure that there was no other explanation for it. No one knew how to react to it or could they explain it. I cursed myself for having broken the camera months before. "Why!?"
If there was any explanation for what happened I would have thought of it. But I can't.
So all that is left is for me to try and explain to you what it was I saw.

The figure looked to me sort of manly. Broad shoulders and short haired.

Then, at 3Minutes and 36 or so Seconds, the same figure, but further away from the camera moves back from where it came. It moves swiftly and with a smooth flow.
Sigh... and then to add to how horrible I was as a kid with a camera, about a week later I was showing my cousin the video and instead of hitting the Play Button, Can you guess what I hit?? The Delete Button. Ofcorse.
Thanks for reading.
Give me your thoughts.
Scary shit :l
Holy crap that is some scary stuff! Im a fan of ghost stories! =)
Interesting. Have you since bought a decent camera and tried again?
i'm too much of a pussy to mess with ouija boards :( always love reading the stories though, nice.
U made a verbatim of the whole event, that's neat!
Shit, I won't be sleeping well :/
@ Trelin- Well, I have bought some good Cameras, but they are mainly for photos. They have video settings so I have tried it, but ever since I can not get a single thing on camera.
i like your blog. keep up the good work
That's creepy, and I've used a Flip camera a lot they are pretty good for what they are.
sounds creepy. sucks you lost the footage; my girlfriend has a very very similar story to this weirdly enough.
great post. following!
Dude that's creepy. Don't scare me like that man.
However that reminds me, I've been meaning to upload a short story I wrote, check my blog in a bit, it will be up there.
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